Central and south India

Tough kids swim in the river of Bacteria. :)

Sunset, The south most tip of India. Trivandrum

South India

Boat deco, South India

Those oceangoing boats don't look quite 'Safe' for me. :) South India

South India

South India

Ferry terminal, South India

Beach, South India

Deco in Hindu temple, South India


Beans shop

Veg booth

Tender the fishing net

Dock, South India

South India

South India

Chinese fishing net, Cochin, S. India

Beach, Goa




Sunset, Goa

Lunch delivery, those people deliver hundreds thousand lunch per day. They collect lunchs from house around 10 and deliver 'em to their owner at noon. It is said they never made any mistake despite the complexity casued by huge quantity. Another India magic eh? :) Mumbay

Laundrymat, Mumbay

Bay of Mumbay

Bay of Mumbay

Colonial era building, Mumbai

Colonial era building, Mumbai


Subway, Mumbay

Mumbay, India

Ex-Muslim ruler's Maasoleum, Hyderabad, North India

Hyderabad, Central India

Hyderabad, Central India

Muslim quater, Hyderabad, Central India

Hyderabad, Central India
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